Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter (day 29)

Stephen was the only cousin young enough to still search for eggs. So we hid like 10 eggs and everyone went out to watch him and take pictures. :-) It was cute. Here is the typical "Easter egg hunt" picture :-)

"Where We Going Mom???" (day 28)

This is what happens whenever we start acting like we're going to go somewhere. She runs to the door and sits RIGHT in front of it so that we can't get out without her. :-)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Really? (day 27)

This reminded me of someone and i found it in the most unlikely store. If you're really interested message me and I'll explain.

A Welcome Sight (day 26)

I drove all the way to SIUE to get the cow for Into the Woods and managed to get lost like 5 times. So when I finally made it back to St. Louis I was so happy to be back that I took a pic :-)

A New Addition (day 25)

Andrew and I got a bug. We had to drive all the way to St. Clair to pic it up. It's a 1973 Super Bettle. Andrew's going to fix it up and then we'll have an awesome car :-) It's not in too bad of shape. We're hoping to have it up and running before the summer is over.

A New Addition (Day 25)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Missing Holly (day 23)

So Holly isn't here tonight. She had to go to Grandma's while we were at DaySpring. But we miss her lots! We almost drove to St. Charles at 11:30 pm to go get her cause we missed her so much. So here is a pic of the corner where her kennel should be. But it's not.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy Boy (day 22...yeah, I missed a day :-( )

Andrew has a new's a blackberry. He loves it! :-)